PostgreSQL: wal_log_hints benchmarked

Last update: 2019-06-14 12:05:56 +0200 - add definition of wal_log_hints Intro I find ‘pg_rewind’ to be a cool feature that appeared in Postgres 9.5 in the master-replica landscape. It is a good ally in managing master-replica databases. The manual defines it this way: synchronize a PostgreSQL data directory with another... [Read More]

About wal_compression on PostgreSQL

Spring cleaning time Sprint over sprint I’m always busy doing a lot of things, like probably most of you out there. Professionally, but in life too, I consider as good practice to stop and look behind every now and then. Where am I? What brought me here? Am I in... [Read More]

A JSON use case comparison between PostgreSQL and MongoDB

Last Update: November 20, 2018 - Added: Postgres table creation details Here at Portavita we work with a lot of data in the JSON format and we store it in MongoDB, a open source, non-relational database (NoSQL) born in 2007. Since version 9.2, also PostgreSQL is able to talk JSON... [Read More]

A Timeseries Case Study: InfluxDB VS PostgreSQL to store data

Grafana is a nice tool to graph data. It produces cool graphs and is relatively easy to setup. Grafana has been historically used together with InfluxDB as data source, since InfluxDB is a NOSQL db made for time series, and very much plug and play. Every time I’m confronted with... [Read More]